The C.V. is the first tool by which the employers evaluate the skills of the
candidates. They provide a summary which includes information on
personal data, education, professional experience, personal abilities and
The C.V.'s main objective is to
attain an interview with the prospective employer. In the process of
searching for a job one is competing with many good candidates, therefore
the C.V. must be attractive enough so the employer will prefer him or her
from other candidates.
The information should be presented
in an orderly consecutive and readable fashion. The information should be
written from the present to the past, marking the years.
Following are the titles that should appear in a C.V.:
Personal data: Name, date of birth, place of birth, date of immigration,
marital status, address, telephone.
Professional Experience: your professional relevant experience must be
listed in a brief fashion, the term of employment, company's name and the
job title.
Education: Years in which education was acquired, name of the institution,
major/subject of study.
Courses: Note the relevant courses to the job. Note the year in which the
course was taken, name of the institute and the name of the course.
Military service (for Israelis): Years of service, corps, duty.
Languages: Note the languages that you know well enough to be worth of
A few more tips:
- The C.V. must be typed on a clean and fitting
sheet of paper, unless asked otherwise.
- The C.V. must be arranged in accordance
to the head titles.
- It is advised to use capital letters, a
bold print or an underline in order to
emphazise the title or the subject matter.
- The C.V. must be concise, not exceeding 2 pages.
- Check for spelling mistakes.
- It is recommended to attach an opening handwritten
letter, with a few introductory words,
expressing an interest in a specific job.
- It is not recommended to attach certificates,
diplomas or letters of recommendation
at first stage.
The following website contains a listing of Israeli companies looking to hire new employees.
To find work in Israel, simply send your resume (CV) to those companies.
!!!!! GOOD LUCK !!!!!
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