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Ask the Rabbi

Get yourself a Rabbi... Talmud, Pirkei Avot

The many Jewish topics covered in the Ahavat Israel website, offer only a small overview of the related Halachot (Jewish Laws). Because of the hundreds of emails with Halachic questions we receive every day from the visitors at the website, we compiled a team of Rabbis, with extensive expertise in all aspects of Halacha (Jewish Law), that will answer all your Halachic questions.

If you have a question about Judaism feel free to contact the Rabbis below, and they will get you a reply as soon as possible. If you wish, you can contact more than one of these Rabbis. Also, if you have a topic you would like to see covered in the Ahavat Israel website, please contact the webmaster.

Ask Any Question On Judaism

Some of these Rabbis may want to publish your question in their websites for the benefit of others. Please indicate if you have any objections to your question and the answer to it being put up on the Rabbis' website for the benefit of others. You may ask for the whole correspondence to be kept private, or you may allow them to publish it without your name, or you may allow them to publish your name too, entirely at your discretion.

You may want to tell the Rabbi a little bit about yourself - responding in a 'vacuum' is a difficult task, especially when delving into complex topics in Jewish philosophy, ethics and law. Approximate age, gender, level of Jewish education, synagogue affiliation, and profession are types of information that will assist the Rabbi in providing you with a more focused and appropriate response. Please write your question in as much detail as possible - don't be shy!

Ask the Rabbi

For priority handling, set the subject to Ask The Rabbi

  1. Ohr Somayach, (Jerusalem, Israel).

  2. Aish HaTorah, (Jerusalem, Israel).

  3. Torah Net, (Ofakim, Israel).

  4. Orthodox Union, (Kashrut Experts).

  5. Project Genesis, (Baltimore, USA).

  6. Darjey Noam, (En Espanol).

If you know of any other reliable Rabbis who would like to answer email questions, please send their email and website address to the webmaster.

To see the Rabbis' websites, go to our links page.

You should also be aware that you may obtain the BEST possible response to your questions simply by asking the local, G-d fearing (Orthodox), Rabbi in your community.

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