The element that distinguishes the Holocaust was the search for G-d. From morning till night we cried out for a sign that G-d was still with us... We sought Him, but we did not find Him. We were always accompanied by the crushing and unsettling feeling that G-d had disappeared from our midst.Testimony of Holocaust Survivor.
This is the translation of the text where "HaShoah" was found:
G-d said to Moses: When you go and lie with your ancestors, this nation shall rise up and stray after the alien gods of the land into which
they are coming. They will thus abandon Me and violate the covenant that I have made with them. I will then display anger and abandon them.
I will hide My face from them and they will be [their enemies'] prey. Beset by many evils and troubles, they will say, "It is because
my G-d is no longer with me that these evils have befallen me." On that day I will utterly hide My face because of all the evil that
they have done in turning to alien gods
Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 31:16-18
Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.Violent Neo-Nazi activity and Arab hatred towards the Jews is rapidly increasing in the world today. This is not a coincidence. Only a strong Jewish education for every single Jew, for every Jewish family, in every Jewish community in the world, can prevent tragedy from ever happening again.
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