Jewish Prayer
Brachot: Blessings
Birkat Ha-Mazon: Grace After Meals
"When you eat and are satisfied, you must therefore bless G-d your Lord for the good land that He has given you."
Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 8:10
Tefilah: Prayer
"You will serve (pray to) G-d your Lord, and He will bless your bread and your water. I will banish sickness from among you."
Shemot (Exodus) 23:25
"Remain in awe of G-d, serve (pray to) Him, and swear by His name."
Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 6:13
Here is an outline of the order of the daily services:
- Ma'ariv: Evening Service
- Shema and it's blessings and related passages
- Shemoneh Esrei
- Aleinu
- Shacharit: Morning Service
- Morning Blessings
- Pesukei d'Zemira
- Shema and it's blessings and related passages
- Shemoneh Esrei
- Hallel, if appropriate
- Torah reading (Mondays, Thursdays, Sabbaths and holidays)
- Aleinu, Ashrei (Psalm 145), and other closing prayers, Psalms and hymns (not on Sabbaths and holidays; recited at the end of Musaf instead on those days)
- Musaf: Additional Service (Sabbaths and holidays only; recited immediately after Shacharit)
- Shemoneh Esrei
- Aleinu and other closing prayers, Psalms and hymns
- Minchah: Afternoon Service
- Ashrei (Psalm 145)
- Shemoneh Esrei
- Aleinu
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