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The Time Has Come

Indeed, many serious problems exist in the State of Israel today. But these problems are our problems, and we intend to solve them! Many Jews cry hopelessly in despair:

"What will happen to our country? To our Jewish state?
I wish I could do something about it... But who am I?
I'm just a simple Jew!!!"

Every single Jew can do plenty to help the State of Israel, but more importantly, to help the Jewish People! And what is good for the Jewish Nation, is even better for every single Jew, including yourself!

The time has come to come back home! Come back home to Jerusalem!

You need this land and this land needs you
Come back home to the Judean Desert, come back home to the Hills in the Shomron, come back home to the Golan Heights, come back home to the Fields in the Galil, come back home to Hebron, to the Negev, to Eilat, to Safed, to Tel-Aviv, to Shechem, to Tiberias, to Haifa...

Come back home! Return to your people and their destiny. It is beautiful. And know that your life can only be lived in one place. Home. The Land of Israel. It is a large land. Extending from the Mediterannean to the Jordan, from Hermon through Sinai to Sharm-al-Sheaykh. It stands, capable of absorbing millions, many millions of its sons and daughters who have not yet come.

Here is Eretz Israel: here is your home.

It is the land where one cannot move without colliding with the Jewish past. This is the land where Abraham walked and Isaac and Jacob traveled; where David and Saul fought the enemy and Deborah and Samson smote the foe; where the Prophets raised their eyes unto the heavens and spoke to the people; where the Maccabees preserved Judaism with the sword and where the Sanhedrin and Ben Zakkai continued it with the book; where Bar Kochba died and where his children will return.

What a glorious challenge you have been given! Aliyah, going up to the land, this is the task at hand. Leave behind the dust of Exile. Make your plans to leave the graveyards of Galut and live in our own land - free, a majority, alive. Guarantee the preservation of your children and children's children. Watch them grow tall and tanned, strong and proud, secure and sovereign.

You need this land and it needs you, many of you. Millions of new Jews pouring into Israel will fill up its empty spaces, guarantee the retention of all the liberated lands of Judea, Samaria, Golan, Gaza, and Sinai; assure a vast Jewish majority; add Western democratic and technical skills to the land. Eretz Yisrael will never again be lost to us!

Come back home to your Torah!

It was the Torah that made the Jewish family a warm and close unit where respect and love dwelt in necessary harmony. And it was from the little Torah cheder that scholarly giants of the earth came forth to teach sweet morality and true goodness.

If you want an answer, do not seek an easy one. If you want to be a Jew, be the one that always existed. Seize the mainstream of Judaism, no matter how difficult it may be. Life is short and meaningless if its purpose becomes the mere pursuit of pleasure. There must be something more to this brief candle.

Torah knowledge can make you the kind of Jew that you must be
The Jew is different and exclusive; he has a role to play which will determine his and the world's destiny; the Torah turns him, his people, and in the end all humanity into a holy and meaningful entity.

Torah cannot endure with simple practice, but is based upon deep and never-ending study. Without scholarship, Judaism degenerates into the joke of the temple in the galut. Only if we believe that the Torah is Divine will we submit to its will, for if it is just a product of "clever" rabbis, surely you will be convinced that you are as clever as they.

Study, learn. Learn Torah, for only Torah and Torah knowledge can make you the kind of Jew that you must be. "The ignorant Jew cannot be pious" - this is the deepest of all truths. So find yourself a rabbi, a teacher. But make sure that he believes in what he is teaching. Make sure he is an honest man who does what he preaches and who can give you the truth that he has in his heart. Torah: go drink deeply from its waters.

Come back home to your People!

The Jewish people are bound together by a common destiny, and this imposes upon each one an obligation to love and rush to the aid of each and every other Jew; the Jew has no permanent allies except his own people; for the Jew, Jewish problems come first; we measure our responses by the yardstick: Is it good and right for the Jew?

In a sense, you have no right to run because you owe an obligation to the unborn child who will someday come from you, to remain with his people - the people of his grandparents and great-grandparents and ancestors from Poland and Russia and Yemen and France and Spain and Babylonia.

The Time Has Come
To Come Back Home

Jews Protest in Jerusalem!!!

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