Why Incorporate Offshore?

The economic slowdown and the litigation explosion are forcing professionals and small business owners to focus upon ways to protect their savings, investments and other accumulated assets that become attractive targets for hungry trial lawyers. In the U.S. legal system, the deck is stacked in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant. Because this fact encourages the filing of spurious lawsuits, the average business owner or professional will be sued several times during his or her lifetime and therefore faces the possibility of being on the receiving end of a ruinous judgement. Failure to plan for that contingency can result in the instant loss of a lifetime's accumulated wealth. Once a suit has been filed or one is anticipated, the law will not allow you to move your assets, so acting now while the waters are calm is imperative.

Finding Your Assets

Lawyers for plaintiffs only continue to prosecute cases they believe will pay off, not those against judgement-proof defendants. How does a lawyer find out if you have something of value? Very easily. There are many services available that will provide a detailed account of your bank accounts, property ownership, investment holdings, income, savings and many other facts about your financial well-being. The only hope of getting the plaintiffs' lawyer to accept a token settlement is to convince the lawyer that the defendant's assets are truly beyond the lawyer's reach.

Corporate Ownership

How does one minimize the chances of losing assets? By becoming a smaller target. How does one become a smaller target? By shrinking the size of one's estate so that one is no longer the legal owner of the assets to be controlled and enjoyed. The first thing you must do is get as many assets out of your personal name as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to transfer your money, investments, and assets into a corporation, which is a legal entity that you control.

U.S. Corporations vs. Offshore Corporations

Most trial lawyers will tell you that using a U.S. Corporation for liability protection and privacy is not worth the certificate it's printed on. U.S. corporate documents are public information and any good search firm can find bank accounts, investments, real estate and other assets held by the corporation. The U.S. corporate veil is routinely ignored and lawsuits are generally filed against the corporation and any beneficial owners.

By forming a corporation offshore you have a legal entity to hold assets that only you know who the beneficial owner is. All the information gathering agencies and services that help trial lawyers, ex-spouses, ex-business partners and creditors will not be able to find your accounts and assets, therefore, making you a very poor prospect for a lawsuit. This is how you become a small target.

U.S. Judgements Are Not Recognized Offshore

An offshore corporation can conduct any type of business in the U.S. that a U.S. corporation can, so you sacrifice nothing for having complete privacy and a corporate veil with real teeth in it. Even if your offshore International Business Company (IBC) becomes involved in a lawsuit, the local Supreme Court does not recognize U.S judgements against a company incorporated in their jurisdiction. A plaintiff would have to hire a local attorney (there are no contingency fees) and try to convince the local Court to hear the case. The local Courts will not rule in favor of the plaintiff if it can be shown that the assets were moved before the judgement was filed. Once the plaintiff sees the uphill battle involved plus the enormous cost out of their own pocket, they will probably reevaluate the merits of even filing a lawsuit or will settle for a fraction of the settlement they may have pursued in a U.S. court.

This is why more and more doctors, professional business people and small businesses are using offshore corporations to lower their liability insurance coverage, which can save them tens of thousands of dollars each year in premiums. Small businesses can also use offshore corporations to reduce or eliminate state income (franchise) taxes and give them other alternatives to insurance coverage that have become too expensive to carry.

A Summary of The Many Offshore Company Uses

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